Friday, August 29, 2008

Update & Book Reviews

Well, what a weird few days, Lone Reader. On Tuesday I got some kind of bizarre 8 hour stomach bug. Today, I’m fine. Go figure. So what else is new? Today was the back-to-school open house for the young ‘uns. Lots of social angst from my daughter over who was or wasn’t in her class. It’ll be okay…right? right. I’m also on a home organization tear, now emptying my garage of crap, not a simple task. Tonight I sorted two giant Rubbermaid containers of stuff and have again so much for Goodwill. Honestly, if I get audited, they’ll say how could you POSSIBLY give that much away in one year?!

Tomorrow morning bright and early I head to the fair w/ the kids. and my mom. I’m hoping the massive doses of cholesterol and nitrates will help ease the stress of being with my mom. I’m having the bacon on a stick, baby!

Book reviews:
I finished 'Not The End of the World' by Kate Atkinson. I loved it. It’s a collection of short stories that are inventive, dark and dreamlike. It was simultaneously depressing and hopeful, a quality that always resonates with me.

I’m almost finished with 'My Husband’s Sweethearts' by Bridget Asher, the pen name of Julianna Baggott. I bought the book for two reasons: 1) I LOVED the Julianna Baggott & Steve Almond book ‘Which Brings Me To You’ and hoped for another smart, insightful funny work. (See my review of this phenomenal tome here.) and 2) Ms. Baggott corresponded with me briefly after I wrote about the book in blog and was super funny & cool in her e-mail, too. Sad to say, this book was a bit of a let down. I think it belongs firmly in the chick lit ghetto. It’s not un-enjoyable, but pretty predictable and unbelievable. sigh. There’s a reason it wasn’t written under her own name, I guess. I’ll give her another try by reading something else and let you know.

Well, I’ve got an $80,000 grant calling my name. Work calls at this, the midnight hour. The life of a single mom/ fundraiser/ groovy ghoulie never lets up, man.

I have two lines of thought for my next TRUE STORY: childhood toy hospital or natural disasters...any preference, Lone Reader?

I close with two lines paraphrased from Jon Stewart’s DNC coverage.
- The Democrats really have to prove their patriotism tonight. Everyone knows the Republicans love their country; they just hate half the people living in it.

- Get to Mile High Stadium early for Obama’s speech because hope won’t park your motherf*ckin’ car!

True dat.

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