Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bacon Peeps!

Combining the best of my favorite foodstuffs – the bacon-wrapped Peep. Yum.

(Don’t bother trying to make bacon curls and then fit them around the Peep – they’ll break. Just drape beautiful scarves of freshly cooked bacon around the Peep of your choice.) Now how to get the red wine and/or Tab involved…


velma said...

How about a bacon, peep, chocolate smores? We did peep smores on Saturday, which were fantastic! I just wish I'd thought of bacon...

P.S. Cool Name!

Velma said...

Hey, I made smores with Nutella, bacon and marshmallows, but it might be a way to use up all those leftover Peeps! I like it!

P.S. Cool Name to you, as well!

Anonymous said...

It looks cute, but did it really taste gross? I don't know about the sugar-y stuff with bacon...

ashley star said...

I would eat a bacon peep! :)

NotRichard said...

The Three Star approach: Marinate the bacon in red wine (a nice syrah, or nebbiolo) for a few hours, wrap around aluminum foil balled into the shape of a peep, and bake at a high temperature until crispy. Reduce remaining red wine into a "demiglace" and brush the bacon when crispy. Remove from aluminum foil peeps, and place over REAL peeps. Place bacon wrapped peeps in a nest made of shaved TaB™ granita (use a recipe for champagne granita such as this , substituting the Tab™ for water and champagne).